미국 NT( Nutritional Therapheutics )사가 독점공정을 통하여 추출 및 제조한
복합영양물질로 미국 FDA에서 특허물질로 인정을 받은 물질입니다.
3일째 - 피로감소 효과, 체내 에너지의 증가
30일째 - 세포기능이 20% ~ 30%정도 증가
에너지 증가에 따른 피로 감소
60일째 - 피로 극적감소, 세포기능 45%개선
원래 나이보다 ½수준 이상 회복
흡수된 NT-Factor®는
체내의 모든 세포와 기관에
생체막 지질 평형 이론으로 분포됩니다.
A Nobel Prize nominee - Dr. Nicolson is the world's leading authority on cellular medicine - Author of more than 600 medical and scientific publications - Professor at the University of Texas, MD Andersen from 1980 to 1996 - Professor at the University of California Department of Developmental and Cellular Biology.
Dr. Nicolson is a Nobel Prize nominated scientist. He discusses how NT Factor from Nutritional Therapeutics is a breakthrough in cellular medicine.
Dr. Rita Ellithorpe, MD, Founder of the Tustin Longevity Center shares breakthrough information about reducing fatigue. NT Factor is the product she uses and has seen dramatic results in over 3,000 patients.
Benefits of Lipid Replacement Therapy.
Membrane Lipid Replacement for Chronic Illnesses, Aging and Cancer.
How Mitochondria Produce Energy.
Explaining the complex process of oxidative phosphorylation.